خندان سرا موزیک فیلم آهنگ عکس اس ام اس پیامک وام جدید آموزش کامپیوتر

خندان سرا موزیک فیلم آهنگ عکس اس ام اس پیامک وام جدید آموزش کامپیوتر

خندان سرا موزیک فیلم آهنگ عکس اس ام اس پیامک وام جدید آموزش کامپیوتر

خندان سرا موزیک فیلم آهنگ عکس اس ام اس پیامک وام جدید آموزش کامپیوتر

How is HPV transmitted

How is HPV transmitted?

The HPV virus is transmitted through having vaginal, anal or oral sex with a person who is infected with the HPV virus. HPV is transmitted even when an infected person has no symptoms.

Anyone who is sexually active can get HPV, even if they only have sex with one person. HPV symptoms can appear years after having sex with someone who has the disease, making it difficult to know when you first contracted the infection.

HPV virus treatment

Does the HPV virus cause health problems?

In most cases, HPV clears up on its own and does not cause any health problems; But when HPV is not cleared, it can lead to health problems such as genital warts and cancer.

Genital warts usually appear as a small bump or group of bumps on the genital area. They can be small or large, raised or flat or cauliflower shaped. A doctor can usually diagnose a wart by examining the genital area.
Does HPV cause cancer?

HPV can cause cervical cancer and other cancers, including cancer of the vulva, vagina, penis, or anus. Also, this virus can cause mouth and throat cancer.

The types of HPV that can cause symptoms of genital warts are different from the types of HPV that cause cancer.

There is no way to know for sure whether people with HPV will develop cancer or other health problems. People with weakened immune systems (including people with HIV/AIDS) may be less able to fight off HPV, so they may be more likely to develop health problems caused by HPV.
How can I prevent HPV and the health problems it causes?

There are several things you can do to reduce your risk of getting HPV:

     Get vaccinated, the HPV vaccine is safe and effective.
     Get screened for cervical cancer. Screening usually in women aged 21 to 65 can prevent cervical cancer.
     If you are sexually active:
     Use a latex condom correctly every time you have sex. This can reduce your chances of getting HPV; But HPV can infect areas not covered by condoms; Therefore, condoms may not fully protect you from HPV.
     Have only one sexual partner.
     Avoid relationships with those who have multiple sexual partners.

HPV vaccine

The HPV vaccine helps prevent HPV types that cause genital, anal, or oral warts, as well as some cancers.
Three HPV vaccines, Cervarix, Gardasil and Gardasil 9, have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

The newest HPV vaccine, Gardasil 9, is approved for use in men and women ages 9 to 45 to protect against cervical cancer and genital warts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends HPV vaccination for boys and girls ages 11 and 12, although it can be given as early as age 9. It is very smart to get the HPV vaccine for boys and girls before sexual contact.

When a person is infected with HPV, the vaccine may not be effective or not work at all. Also, the vaccine is more effective in younger people than in older people. If given before the person is infected, the vaccine can prevent oral cancer in most cases. Prevent the uterus.
Who should be vaccinated?

HPV vaccination is recommended at age 11 or 12 and for everyone up to age 26.
Vaccination is not recommended for people over 26 years of age. However, some adults ages 27 to 45 who have not yet been vaccinated may decide to get the HPV vaccine after talking with their doctor about the risk of new HPV infections and the possible benefits of vaccination.

HPV vaccination is less beneficial in this age range. Most sexually active adults have already been exposed to HPV. At any age, having a new sexual partner is a risk factor for new HPV infection. People who are currently in a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship are less likely to develop a new HPV infection.

HPV virus
Treatment of HPV virus in women

Currently, there is no definitive method to eliminate the HPV virus in women, and the available methods are effective in treating the symptoms of the disease. If the patient gets cancer caused by human papilloma infection; It can be detected by tests and pap smear test, in this situation, the doctor will consider a suitable treatment plan for the patient, if the cancer is diagnosed in time, treatment is possible. In some cases, the virus is of a low-risk type and leads to genital warts. The presence of genital warts is safe and will disappear by itself, but if you are afraid that your sexual partner will be infected with this virus, you can remove it with one of the following methods. Note that by treating HPV, the virus does not leave the body and only its symptoms disappear.

laser therapy

One of the best ways to get rid of genital warts is laser therapy. In this method, infrared light is shone directly on the skin appendage and destroys it. This method has been welcomed by patients due to its ease and high speed. Treatment in one session, little pain and bleeding after surgery, can be used during pregnancy, etc. is one of the advantages of laser therapy.


Electro cauterization is a surgical method to remove genital warts
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